Teaching conferences

Example Teaching Conferences

General Obstetrics & Gynecology Lectures: 2/month

Maternal Fetal Medicine Lectures: 2/month

Urogynecology Journal Club/Case Reviews: 2/week

Obstetric Teaching Rounds: 2/day

Grand Rounds: 2/month

Gynecology Journal Club: 1/quarter

Maternal Fetal Medicine Journal Club: 1/quarter

Joint Perinatal Morbidity/Mortality: 1/month

Gynecologic Morbidity/Mortality: 1/month

Gyn-Oncology Tumor Board: 1/week

Genetics lectures: 6/year

Ultrasound lectures: 6/year

Surgical Skills lecture and simulation: 1/month   

Mock Orals: 1/quarter

Resident lectures and conferences are held primarily on Monday and Tuesday mornings during a 2 hour  protected block of time. Departmental faculty members teach or conduct all resident didactic sessions covering a variety of topics suggested by the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics & Gynecology and guided by our resident performance on the annual CREOG inservice examination. Our didactic curriculum repeats every two years.