Chairman's message

I’d like to introduce you to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center’s residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology.  We have a program that has a wonderfully unique personality, blending the spirit of a community hospital with the academic environment of a tertiary medical center in the World Class City of Chicago.

We are proud of all of our clinical programs dedicated to Women's Health. There are three elements of the program however, that I would like to highlight. The first is our passion for clinical excellence. The highest quality of patient care serves as a primary mission and is the anchoring point for all our activities, including education, patient safety and community outreach.

The second element is our faculty. We have a large team of faculty with a wealth of talent, each one of us drawn to Illinois Masonic by the rich environment of the residency and department. In addition to an extensive general OB/GYN dedicated faculty, we possess a strong complement of all the major subspecialties, each guided by an excellent subspecialty director.

The third highlight of our program is our residents. The Obstetrical and Gynecology residency is built on the foundation of the traditional pillars of an academic department: patient care, research and teaching. We not only provide a broad-based education in the health care for women, but succeed in clinical research and intellectual development, thus preparing those individuals who would seek further sub-specialization in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Finally, teaching serves as a core element of our program. We have developed generations of wonderful physician teachers, both through our mentoring as well as our structured didactic environment.

As one of the largest non-university graduate teaching hospitals in the state, Advocate Illinois Masonic has the experience, resources and dedication to create the proper environment for physician development.

We are proud of our resident physicians and the excellent women's health care that our team delivers at Advocate Illinois Masonic. I invite you to become a part of the enthusiasm and dedication that goes with that pride.

Thomas Iannucci

Thomas Iannucci, MD, FACOG
Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology