Woman with child in a garden

Highlighting 2019 accomplishments

Energy savings, 2019

1.7% Energy Consumption reduction (weather normalized)

$1.1M saved and reinvested in our healing ministry

Waste savings, 2019

86% or 2,953 tons of construction waste recycled

$2.2M Saved by reprocessing medical devices.

3,437tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled

>9,783 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide avoided

162,000 tree seedlings grown for 10 years

Wellness outcomes, 2019

89% percentage of workforce that is tobacco-free

17,791 pounds of weight loss from initial screening to follow up screening that is equal to the weight of 81 baby elephants

6.2 Billion steps taken by health program participants the distance traveled would equate to 109 trips around the world