Resident advisor program

Resident Advisor panel

Our Resident Advisor Program (RAP) focuses on providing our residents with one-on-one focused mentorship while also enhancing overall wellness. We achieve this through two main branches of our program: MyRAP, which links residents with an individual Faculty Advisor to offer mentorship, and GroupRAP, which focuses on group-based, career-specific guidance and wellness.

Our Faculty Advisors are individual physicians who have volunteered to act as coaches in areas as wide ranging as academic and competency achievement, career planning and job placement, as well as personal and social growth.

We encourage at minimum two meetings per year with advisors to address issues such as developing specific goals (career-based and/or otherwise) and plans to reach these goals, and to allow residents to ask specific questions of mentors to help guide career planning.

Resident Advisor

Our group events in the past several years have included an Improv Group to work on communication skills and reading body language, a guest-speaker on “Emotional Intelligence: what is it and why do doctors need it”, a career panel with multiple subspecialties represented to allow residents to pick their brains about careers, as well as a workshop on personality styles.