Bunion symptoms & treatment

Bunions are a problem and not just for the way they make your foot look. They also tend to cause pain and inflammation which can lead to difficulty walking.

The problem happens when the joint at the base of your toe, where the bunion forms, starts to bend sideways, pushing your big toe into the second toe.

That joint isn’t made to bend sideways. It’s supposed to flex up and down when you walk. A normal joint only moves a little bit from side to side. And when it does move that little bit, it doesn’t make the joint stick out at an angle. A joint that has a bunion is deformed.

Expert bunion evaluation

Our foot experts are specially trained in treating foot problems and bunion symptoms, so you can trust them to make recommendations that will help you walk comfortably again.

Since we have locations all over the Chicago area, including in the suburbs, you can find care for your bunion near you.

What causes bunions?

The foot structure that leads to bunion symptoms can be inherited. But shoes that squeeze your toes together also play a big part. That’s why women have bunions more often than men do.

Another factor that can play a part is having an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, which often affects the joints of the hands, too.

Symptoms of bunions

Bunions are easily recognized by the appearance of the joint at the base of the big toe jutting out from the inside of the foot. There are often other bunion symptoms, such as:

  • A callus on the inside of your foot where it rubs against shoes
  • Thick skin on the bottom of your big toe
  • The tip of your big toe turns toward your second toe and either overlaps it or slides under it
  • Calluses on your big toe and second toe where they rub together
  • Persistent or occasional pain in the joint or in the toes
  • Stiffness in the big toe or other toes that makes walking painful or difficult

Bunion-related health issues

Bunions can cause some other things to happen to your foot.

  • Bursitis: When your joint bends sideways, the cushion between the two bones (bursa) gets squeezed sideways, too. This causes pain and irritation in the bursa.
  • Arthritis: As the bursa gets squeezed, the two bones start to get closer to each other and start wearing away the cartilage, which is also supposed to provide a cushion. This causes arthritis in the joint, which can also cause pain and make the bone start to break down.
  • Hammer toe: As your big toe presses against the second toe, it can cause one of the joints in the second toe to bend upward unnaturally, which creates more pressure and pain.

Types of bunions

Sometimes young people between the ages of 10 and 15 develop bunions. These types are called adolescent bunions and are usually caused by an inherited (congenital) condition. Surgery isn’t recommended for younger people because their bodies are still growing and these bunions are likely to recur. Surgery can be performed after they reach their full growth.

Bunions can also form on the joint at the base of the little toe and this is called a bunionette. A bunionette is smaller than a bunion on the big toe because the joint is smaller.

Bunion diagnosis and treatment

It’s easy to diagnose a bunion based on the appearance of the foot. However, your doctor will probably order tests to learn more about how the bunion is affecting your foot and toes. These tests may include:

  • X-rays: X-rays show the position of all the bones in your foot and toes. X-rays will be taken while you’re standing because that shows how your foot’s shape changes when you put weight on it.
  • CT scan: CT (computed tomography) creates images of both bones and soft tissue from different angles, which provides a more complete view of your foot and toes.
  • Blood tests: We may order blood tests to see if another condition has contributed to the bunion.

Based on the appearance of your bunion, symptoms, and results of any testing, your doctor will consult with specialists in physical therapy or orthopedic surgery as needed. And they’ll work with you to decide on a personalized bunion treatment plan.

Nonsurgical bunion treatment

If you catch a bunion early, nonsurgical bunion treatments can provide pain relief and help you avoid needing surgery. Some nonsurgical bunion treatment options are:

  • Wear well-fitting footwear: Choose shoes with a wide area for your toes, low heels and padding. There should be room for you to wiggle your toes and they shouldn’t be pressed together.
  • Cushion for the bunion: Your local pharmacy will have products like moleskin or gel bunion pads that you can use to protect any areas of skin that rub against your shoes and cause pain.
  • Splinting and taping: Some people find pain relief when they wear a splint at night that holds the toe in a more normal position. We can show you how to use tape to hold the toes in a better position while you’re wearing shoes.
  • Medication: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can reduce pain and inflammation. If you have arthritis, your doctor may prescribe different medication.
  • Custom foot orthotics: Orthotics are inserts that you put in your shoe to help support your foot in a better position. They can relive pain and keep the bunion from getting worse.
  • Physical therapy: A variety of physical therapy bunion treatments can help: massage, whirlpool, ultrasound therapy, heat therapy and applying ice can relieve your pain.
  • Injections: We can inject medicines to minimize pain and inflammation and make it easier to move and use your big toe.

None of these bunion treatments will make your bunion go away. However, they’ll help stop the pain and keep the bunion from getting bigger.

Bunion surgery

If nonsurgical methods don’t provide enough relief, you may want to talk to your doctor about surgery. Surgery may be a good idea when your bunion keeps you from wearing regular shoes, continues to hurt too much or otherwise interferes with you enjoying your life.

Your doctor will talk with you about your surgical options depending on your foot’s shape. They’ll give you a realistic idea about what to expect from surgery. They may suggest surgery to:

  • Realign the toe joint
  • Repair ligaments and tendons
  • Remove part of the bump or joint

Bunion surgery is usually an outpatient procedure – you’ll go home the same day. You can expect recovery to take four to eight weeks.

Surgery may not get rid of the bunion entirely, but it provides pain relief for most people. After surgery, you’ll need to continue to wear shoes that fit well, with room for your toes and no high heels. This will help keep the bunion from coming back.

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