Varicose & spider veins

If you have varicose vein pain, you want relief quickly. At Advocate, we understand varicose and spider veins can be uncomfortable. And whether your veins are linked to other health conditions or cause embarrassment that makes it difficult for you to fully enjoy life, we can help.

What are varicose veins & spider veins? 

Usually, varicose and spider veins are more of a cosmetic concern. But over time, they can worsen, become painful and lead to more serious health conditions, so it’s wise to seek treatment.

Even if you don’t have discomfort but are avoiding activities that show your legs, talk with us. We have simple procedures to get rid of varicose veins or make them less visible so you can get back to doing the things you love.

Varicose veins vs. spider veins

Varicose veins and spider veins differ on their color, their shape and how close they appear to the skin's surface.

  • Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, bulging veins that typically appear on your legs. They may be raised and are often blue or purple. They can worsen without treatment and sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem, such as blood clots, venous ulcer (skin wound) or phlebitis (vein inflammation that can lead to blood clots).
  • Spider veins are clusters of tiny, thin blood vessels closer to the surface of your skin. Most commonly appearing on your legs and face, they look like red or purple sunbursts or spider webs.

Symptoms of varicose veins & spider veins

Usually, varicose and spider veins can be clearly seen beneath the surface of the skin on your legs. Besides seeing the dark blue or purple, bulging varicose veins, you also may have more serious symptoms including:

  • Rash, itchiness or burning
  • Leg pain, aching and cramping
  • Leg heaviness or fatigue
  • Swelling in the lower leg
  • Leg sores that won’t heal
  • Discolored skin

What causes varicose & spider veins?

Your veins return blood back to your heart. Tiny valves in your veins open and close as the blood flows up your legs, working against the pull of gravity. If the valves weaken and don’t close properly, your blood begins to pool in your veins, causing them to stretch and bulge.

You’re more likely to get varicose or spider veins if you’re a woman, particularly as you get older. But men can get varicose veins, too.

Certain factors can contribute to getting varicose and spider veins. These factors include:

  • Overweight or obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Birth control pills or hormone replacements
  • Long periods of standing or inactivity
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Family history of varicose veins
  • Leg injuries
  • Smoking

Diagnosing varicose veins & spider veins

Our vascular specialists are some of the most experienced in the field. You’ll receive the right diagnosis and treatment to feel confident again and, if needed, expert care of any underlying health issue.

To diagnose your varicose veins and their severity, we’ll ask about any symptoms you may be having. We’ll carefully examine your legs while you’re standing to check for swelling.

Sometimes, we may recommend an ultrasound. This diagnostic test creates images of your veins to help us detect any blockages or narrowing that may affect blood flow.

Find out more about our heart and vascular testing and diagnosis.

Treating varicose veins & spider veins

Your health and comfort are first and foremost. Together, we’ll talk about the varicose vein treatment options that best fit you and your life. Your treatment plan may include:

  • Lifestyle changes, such as:
    • Walking, avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time or taking frequent breaks
    • Elevating your legs
    • Wearing compression stockings, which are socks that put pressure on your lower legs to move blood and reduce swelling
  • Procedures, such as:
    • Sclerotherapy, a quick, in-office procedure where we insert a solution into the varicose or spider veins so they collapse and eventually disappear
    • Endovenous ablation treatment, an outpatient procedure where we use ultrasound to guide a catheter to the affected vein and deliver an energy source such as a laser to seal it closed 
    • Vein ligation and stripping, a minimally invasive procedure where we tie off and remove the veins

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