Advanced LASIK eye surgery in Chicagoland

LASIK eye surgery, also known as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is an eye surgery for better vision. LASIK can correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism – and it often eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses. During LASIK lasers are used to change the shape of the eye to improve problems with your vision.

Our ophthalmologists use advanced technology and techniques to deliver outstanding results with laser eye surgery.

What is LASIK eye surgery?

LASIK eye surgery is a type of laser surgery that permanently changes the shape of the cornea. LASIK surgery is used to correct vision problems and reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Reasons to have LASIK eye surgery

The most common conditions that people wear glasses or contacts for can be greatly improved with LASIK eye surgery. If you want to correct one of the following conditions, then LASIK may be right for you.

Astigmatism: Astigmatism happens when the top surface of the eye is asymmetrical. The result is blurred vision because images are reflected onto the retina incorrectly. LASIK surgery reshapes the cornea of the eye to correct this condition.

Nearsightedness: Nearsightedness happens when you’re able to focus clearly on things that are close to you, but not things that are far away. Many people with mild, moderate or even severe nearsightedness report good results from LASIK surgery.

Farsightedness: People who have farsightedness are able to see far away objects clearly but can’t focus clearly on nearby things like books or computers. LASIK eye surgery corrects for farsightedness, too.

While some people can stop using glasses or contacts after LASIK eye surgery, it’s important to note that LASIK can’t correct for presbyopia, which affects near vision in people older than about 40. Most people will develop presbyopia and will need to wear reading glasses then.

Benefits of LASIK eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery offers many benefits:

  • For most patients, LASIK surgery involves little pain, and recovery is rapid.
  • Post-operative care is usually limited to using eye drops for about a month after surgery.
  • The eyes stabilize between three and six months after LASIK surgery.
  • The procedure does not weaken the eye.
  • LASIK typically causes little or no scarring of the cornea.

Who qualifies for LASIK eye surgery?

The ideal LASIK candidate meets all the following criteria:

  • Is older than 18.
  • Has had a stable prescription for glasses or contact lenses for at least two years.
  • Has corneas (the clear outer covering of the eye) that are thick enough for the procedure.
  • Is affected by one of the common types of vision problems or refractive errors: myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (blurred vision caused by an irregularly shaped cornea) or a combination of two of these.
  • Has nearsightedness up to minus 12 diopters, astigmatism up to six diopters or farsightedness up to plus six diopters.
  • Has no other diseases or conditions, vision-related or otherwise, that might reduce the effectiveness of the surgery or the ability to heal properly and quickly.
  • Understands the surgery's benefits and risks.
  • Realizes that they may still need to wear glasses or contacts after surgery.
  • Has thoroughly discussed the benefits and risks with their doctor.

Some people who don’t meet these criteria can still undergo the procedure but may not have ideal outcomes. If you don't meet these criteria, PRK laser eye surgery may be a better option.

Learn whether vision correction surgery is right for you by scheduling an appointment with one of our experts.

How is LASIK eye surgery performed?

First, your eye will be numbed with eye drops. You may also receive medicine to help you relax during the procedure.

Your doctor will use a precise laser to create a very thin flap of your cornea. The flap will be lifted and folded to one side. Then a laser is used to reshape the inner corneal tissue and fix vision. Your doctor then folds the flap of cornea back on top of the reshaped tissue to allow everything to heal in place.

What to expect after LASIK eye surgery

You’ll need someone to drive you home after the laser eye surgery. It’s best to take a few days off work to rest your eyes and recover.

Your doctor may provide a protective shield to help you keep from touching your eyes. They may prescribe pain medication or a sedative for you to use. Your vision may be blurry or hazy for the first day.

You’ll have a follow-up appointment to see your doctor within 24 to 48 hours. Your doctor will examine your eyes and test your vision. You’ll be given eye drops to help prevent inflammation or infection.

Your doctor will provide specific guidelines for how to care for your eyes, including advice about what kind of activities to avoid. It’s important to follow those instructions and allow enough time for healing to get the best results.

You’ll need to see your doctor at regular intervals during the next six months to make sure your eyes are healing well. Once your vision has stabilized, you may be able to stop wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Side effects of LASIK eye surgery

You may have dry eyes in the first couple of days or weeks after LASIK eye surgery. They're usually better within a month.

Other side effects like these eventually go away most of the time.

  • Seeing halos around images
  • Trouble with night driving
  • Vision that fluctuates
  • Dry eyes or scratchy eyes
  • Sensitivity to light

State-of-the-art techniques & technology

We deliver outstanding results by using leading-edge LASIK eye surgery techniques and technology, such as:

IntraLase is the first blade-free laser technology for performing the first step of LASIK eye surgery: creating the corneal flap. Without IntraLase, this step is done manually using a hand-held device with an oscillating metal razor blade.

Benefits include:

  • Increased safety: The procedure eliminates blade-related complications.
  • Improved vision: Patients achieve statistically better vision – including night vision – when IntraLase is used during the LASIK procedure. More patients achieve 20/20 or better vision with IntraLase than with the traditional blade procedure.
  • Highest degree of predictability and precision: Micron-level precision creates more predictable and accurate flap dimensions.
  • Minimized need for additional surgery: The need for second LASIK procedures is significantly lower when the original surgery used laser-created corneal flaps.
  • Reduced dry-eye symptoms: In a large clinical study, patient dry-eye symptoms were reduced by 72 percent.

The second step of LASIK eye surgery is reshaping the cornea, and we offer Allegretto Wave Eye-Q for this process. This advanced technology allows patients to gain excellent day and night vision.

Allegretto Wave Eye-Q uses highly controlled laser pulses that track the movements of the eye in milliseconds. This allows us to create a customized shape for the cornea with extremely precise correction. This technology makes it possible to achieve vision that is better than 20/20, with enhanced contrast and sharpness.

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