Hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Advocate

At Advocate Health Care, we've used hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for more than 40 years. HBOT is a safe treatment, and people who are candidates can benefit from its production of healthy new blood vessels that increase the body's capacity to repress local infection. The result is faster, enhanced healing for a number of tissue, bone and lung disorders.

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is one part of an overall approach to your health care. HBOT allows you to breathe 100% oxygen (normal environmental oxygen levels are 28%) while inside a pressurized hyperbaric chamber. The increased oxygen and pressure put 10 to 20 times more oxygen directly into your body's tissues, which can result in many therapeutic effects in the healing of wounds, body tissues, infections and more.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy work?

The earth's atmosphere constantly exerts pressure on your body. During hyperbaric treatment, you breathe oxygen while the pressure exerted on your body is increased two to three times. This increase in pressure dissolves oxygen into blood and body tissues at a much higher rate than under normal conditions. The elevated oxygen level makes your body create new small blood vessels, enhancing your ability to heal injuries and infections safely and effectively. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes healing injuries and infections safely and effectively.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for non-healing wounds is one of several treatment options. Learn about our other treatment options.

What conditions can hyperbaric oxygen therapy treat?

HBOT is used to treat many health conditions, including:

  • Diabetic non-healing wounds
  • Crush injury, compartment syndrome
  • Radiation tissue damage
  • Compromised skin grafts or flaps
  • Chronic bone infections
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Necrotizing soft tissue infections
  • Intracranial abscess
  • Decompression sickness (bends)
  • Arterial gas embolism
  • Gas gangrene

What does a hyperbaric treatment feel like?

The sensation inside a hyperbaric chamber can be compared to that experienced while flying in an airplane. The air pressure changes can cause you to have a sense of fullness, which is usually relieved using simple techniques which will be explained to you by a professional from the HBOT team. During a two-hour treatment, you may relax, take a nap, read a book, listen to music or watch TV. The hyperbaric chamber has comfortable seating and air conditioning to enhance your experience. Several Advocate locations use multiplace hyperbaric chamber therapy, which allows several people to be treated simultaneously.

Are there precautions or restrictions?

You'll receive restrictions specific to your treatment prior to undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. You won't have eating restrictions or requirements; if you are on a special diet, you should continue to follow it. You can also continue to take all medication as prescribed.

The hyperbaric chamber environment is oxygen enriched and you'll need to follow several guidelines to prevent fire or other hazards. For instance, anyone receiving hyperbaric treatment shouldn't use any tobacco products. (Tobacco products make your blood vessels narrow, making your treatment less beneficial.) Hyperbaric treatment won't be started until you've been smoke-free for at least two weeks. If our staff strongly suspects someone is smoking during the course of their treatment, we reserve the right to discontinue treatment.

What is a typical course of treatment?

Treatment is tailored to fit your specific diagnosis and response to therapy. The total number of hyperbaric treatments can vary from 20 to 30 treatments to attain maximum benefits. Prior to starting therapy, your treatment plan will be evaluated by the Medical Director of the Hyperbaric Treatment Center.

Will health insurance cover hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Health insurance may cover the cost of some hyperbaric treatments, depending on the condition for which you receive treatment. For more information, contact your health insurance company directly, or visit the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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