Advocate Health Care has developed innovative programs to educate and test people for HIV/AIDS.
Our health educators are providing each patient with a wealth of information including:
Advocate uses the latest therapies to treat the disease and care for the emotional well-being of the patient and loved ones.
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center has a long and distinguished history of caring for patients with HIV and AIDS. A team of more than 80 health care professionals in inpatient and outpatient settings help people with HIV/AIDS live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Research evaluating new anti-retroviral agents and the testing of an AIDS vaccine are ongoing.
We seek to make a positive impact on the community with outreach programs centered on HIV/AIDS awareness and testing. Advocate Trinity Hospital offers no-cost oral HIV tests to patients waiting to be seen in its emergency department. In addition, through Advocate Charitable Foundation, HIV programs are now serving nearby west side Chicago neighborhoods.
We help you live well. And we’re here for you in person and online.