Be part of our pet therapy program

Since July 2006, Advocate Sherman Hospital has used certified therapy dogs to brighten the days of patients in cardiac care, surgical care, oncology, pediatrics and adult medical care, orthopedics and neuroscience. Nurses screen a patient first and then a pet handler will knock on the patient's door and ask if he or she would like a dog visit.

Not just any hound will do: Sherman Hospital is dedicated to ensuring each and every therapy dog and handler meets stringent temperament and health standards.

All Sherman Hospital pet therapy teams are required to hold a valid certification through a national animal assisted certification organization such as Alliance Dog Therapy, Inc. In addition to certification, Sherman Hospital works with dog training experts from Care Dog Training Inc. of Carpentersville to conduct hospital-based temperament screening that exposes the dogs and handlers to medical practice situations they may encounter.

Once temperament testing is completed, we require every dog to undergo medical exams, testing and vaccination controls.

Learn how to become a member of our pet therapy team: Download the Pet Therapy Program information sheet. For more information, contact our volunteer office at 224-783-8133.

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