Center for health & integrative medicine

Treating the whole person

Integrative medicine, also known as holistic or complementary medicine, is the thoughtful, evidence-based combination of traditional medicine with holistic medicine to help you on your journey to health and wellness.

From managing diabetes to fighting cancer, we’re your partners in healing and we’ll design a program specifically tailored to help you live well. The integrative medicine team at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital uses a wide range of integrative medicine therapies that aim to treat the whole person in mind, body and spirit.

How to determine if integrative medicine is the right choice for you

  • You’re interested in a holistic approach to health.
  • You have a complex condition and haven’t found relief through conventional approaches.
  • You don’t tolerate medications well, prefer to avoid prescription medications or don’t seem to be responding to them.

As a patient of our Center for Health and Integrative Medicine at Advocate Good Shepherd, you’ll have access to a variety of complementary treatments including acupuncture, medical massage, psychotherapy and yoga – all in one place.

Meet our medical director

Dr. Lori Walsh

Dr. Lori Walsh, fellowship-trained in integrative medicine, serves as the medical director for the center of health and integrative medicine at Advocate Good Shepherd. Dr. Walsh oversees the integrative medicine program and clinical care provided by the team, which includes a nurse practitioner, medical massage therapists, acupuncturists, yoga instructors, registered dietitian and psychotherapist.

Learn about Dr. Lori Walsh, a pediatrician with clinical expertise in integrative medicine, mind-body medicine, nutritional care and more.

To learn more about how integrative medicine can help you, call 847-842-3140 or email

Because of its proven ability to reduce pain and inflammation, athletes, people with joint pain or injury and people with conditions such as arthritis can consider acupuncture to help them live well. Research has also shown acupuncture can help manage the side effects – such as pain, immune function problems, nausea and more – associated with conventional cancer treatments. 

Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions including: 

  • Chronic pain and inflammation
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive issues
  • Migraines
  • Improvement of sleep quality
  • Weight management
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Menopause symptoms
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer treatment side effects such as pain, nausea, neuropathy and immune function problems

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. It’s been used for over 4,000 years to promote healing naturally. During an acupuncture session, a certified acupuncturist inserts sterile, hair-thin needles into precise spots on the body. The procedure usually causes very little pain, with most people only noticing a small prick.

How does it work? Acupuncture focuses on restoring natural energy called qi (pronounced “chee”) along pathways in the body called meridians. According to traditional Chinese medicine, illness is caused by disruptions in these energy pathways. If your qi is blocked, the flow of blood is stagnated, resulting in pain and illness. Chinese acupuncture works to balance the flow of qi to organs, glands and body tissues. Current research reveals acupuncture activates the pathway between the nervous system and endocrine or gland system.

To determine if acupuncture is right for you, call us at 847-842-3140.

Massage therapy can be used to help manage a wide range of conditions and diseases. From helping you manage stress and anxiety to offering cancer patients a higher quality of life during treatment, massage is a vital part of many of our care plans. Massage therapy can specifically address health issues that include:

  • Muscular tension
  • Range of motion and flexibility problems
  • Chronic pain
  • Circulation problems
  • Stress

What kind of massage therapy is right for you? Massage therapy is treatment that uses touch to loosen and heal the muscles and soft tissues of the body. Massage therapists use different degrees of pressure and types of movements based on individual needs. At the Center for Health and Integrative Medicine at Advocate Good Shepherd, we offer the following kinds of massage:

  • Medical massage: A specific treatment is used for a specific problem based on a patient’s diagnosis and an assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist. Specific outcomes are the basis for treatment.
  • Oncology massage: This may mitigate the side effects of conventional cancer care to make it easier to cope and enhance quality of life.
  • Sports massage: This vigorous massage reaches deep layers of muscles and is ideal for athletes.
  • Prenatal massage: This helps relieve pregnancy-related tension, aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, back and legs.
  • Geriatric massage: Ideal for older adults, this massage is specifically designed to address aging- and arthritis-related pain.
  • Neuromuscular therapy: This uses finger pressure on specific painful, irritated areas to help break the cycle of spasm or pain.
  • Craniosacral therapy: This uses gentle touch on the skull, face, spine and hips to relieve pain.
  • Swedish massage: This uses long, gliding strokes on the top layers of muscles to promote relaxation.
  • Myofascial release: Gentle pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions helps eliminate pain and restore motion.

To schedule a massage, call 847-842-3140.

Psychotherapy can help with stress caused by dealing with anxiety, resolving conflicts, coping with major life changes, managing unhealthy reactions, coming to terms with ongoing and serious health problems, and needing to sleep better. We develop strategies based on unique lifestyle, experience, culture and beliefs. We use mind-body techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, visualization, journaling and guided imagery.

During psychotherapy, you learn about your condition, moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. This may involve exploring painful feelings and experiences, which can lead to emotional discomfort at times. Coping strategies help you take control and respond to challenging situations in a healthy way.

Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to wellness, recognizing that the foundation for optimal health and healing begins with a health-promoting diet. A diet should meet individual nutritional needs, promote health and bring joy.

Our licensed registered dietitians provide nutrition counseling according to your prescribed diet, medical history and nutritional goals. Counseling helps ensure meal plans are customized based on your specific health conditions and preferences. You’ll learn how to eat healthier and still enjoy your favorite foods.

Our health coaches support and guide you through a holistic program built specifically to meet your needs and achieve your health goals. Offered in one-on-one coaching sessions or group settings, your health coach will be there with you every step of the way.

Advocate Good Shepherd is part of Advocate Health. Find additional information about integrative health coaching on our Aurora Health Care website.

To understand how a health coach can help you, call 414-219-5944.

Yoga is the ancient practice of connecting mind, body and breath. We focus on conscious range of motion and alignment to help you gain mental clarity while reducing stress and anxiety. We also help you learn to fuel your personal insights by turning inward. You can expect a holistic yoga practice that includes physical postures, breathing techniques and stillness-of-mind practices.

Yoga is for everyone. Our instructors make sure you feel safe and comfortable in your practice no matter what level you are at.

Get more details about yoga.[PDF,256kb] To sign up for yoga, call 847-842-3140 or email

Mindfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing your attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgement. It’s developed through the practice of meditation and other training. We offer mindfulness in conjunction with our core services.

Find information about our free online Help Yourself Heal Program on our Aurora Health Care website, part of Advocate Health. With the mind-body practices detailed in the Help Yourself Heal Program, getting yourself prepared for surgery and recovering more quickly is in your hands.

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using pure essential oils extracted from natural plants and flowers. Essential oils are used to calm, balance and give energy to the body, mind and spirit.

At the most basic level, aromatherapy works by affecting our sense of smell. Scent connects us with our emotions, feelings, creativity and intuition. A scent can bring us into our body and help us remember powerful feelings. Beautiful scents can balance mood and lift spirits and emotions. We offer aromatherapy in conjunction with our core services.

Wellevate is our recommended source for vitamins and supplements available at a 10% discount.


Frequently asked questions

What can I expect at an integrative medicine consult?

Our goal is to get to know you personally and develop a plan specifically tailored to you. Your first consultation will last 60-90 minutes and will include a detailed discussion about your nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, relationships, spirituality, critical life events and potentially other topics.

What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

As part of getting to know you better, we may ask you to complete some forms and questionnaires before your visit. It’s best to fill these out before the day of your appointment in case you need to gather information from different sources. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to allow time to check in. Be sure to bring any completed paperwork and a list of medications and supplements you’re currently taking.

What is the cost of these services and do you bill my insurance?

Some services may be covered by insurance depending on your plan. We provide the option of billing your insurance or collecting payment at time of service.

Do I need to change doctors?

No. After your visit with us, we’ll provide an after-visit summary to your primary or referring physician.

Where is the program located?

The Center for Health and Integrative Medicine is in the West Pavilion of Advocate Good Shepherd. You’re welcome to arrive early to your appointment to enjoy the calm, soothing environment of our beautiful center.

How do I get my medical records to you?

We’ll work with your referring provider to obtain your recent medical records prior to your first visit.

Get care

We help you live well. And we’re here for you in person and online.